Hi, I am Robert

front-end dev

a picture of me with smile :)
About me






(ES5, ES6, jQuery, JSON - advanced)


& Redux (Advanced)

(Very basic)

And little bit


Visual Studio Code Inteliji IDEA Adobe Xd Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom GSAP Google Analytics Google Lighthouse NPM GitHub Webpack Firebase πŸ“¦


BEM, RWD, Mobile first.

Following the example of Atomic Design






My Work

Who I am

Photographer & developer based out of Warsaw

A Polish guy, a professional photographer interested in Asian culture and cuisine.
I've always been interested in programming, that's why I've been creating simple layouts for blogs since I was an elementary school student
Usually those layouts were based on HTML and CSS but I have made websites based on FLASH and action-script(which I found on the internet) as well.
I've gotten used to the self-improve, that's why in my free time I've been studying different programming languages.
I got back to study programming after a long break and I really love to do it.

I have been a professional photographer since a long time, but I enjoy it more when I can solve a problem by myself in a code as a programmer. So I can really get a lot of satisfaction when I do something by myself then I can feel the progress I have done. Combining my abilities of photography and programming allows me to get a lot of inspiration and new ideas especially when I create a new website or a new API.

Photographer Robert Michalski
CV CV Hire me

My work

A selection of my range of work

Front-end projects

Saro.website - Website for people studying Polish


Website was made for people studying Polish

Used technologies:
La Table N - best finger foods in Japan

La Table N

Website made for Japanese teacher of finger foods

Used technologies:
Korean drama

Korean Drama-web

Website about Korean dramas

Used technologies:

React projects



I've created cus I love working with APIs! It wasn't a big challange for me, but I had a lot of fun! I've used react-router, context API, useState, useEffect, useRef etc :)

Color generatorcd

Color generator

I used values.js to make this APP :)

Grocery bud

Grocery bud - advanced

This project I've created for shopping for me and my girlfriend from Japan, that's why I used different currency.

GitHub Jobs API

GitHub jobs

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. And has been created with a GitHub API

Menu project react

Menu project.

I've created it for practicing of destructuring objects.


APP porftolio

Report API by Robert Michalski


Api to get infromations about bugs

Used technologies:
Polish Name checker by Robert Michalski

Polish name Checker API

I've created this API for people who are confused with Polish names

Used technologies:

Hire me

Contact infomation

I would love to work remotely or work in the office based in Warsaw
My dream is having a work that I can improve and expand my programming abilities and myself in front-end.

I would love to learn more about Node.JS, React.JS and even PHP - for me if I can understand more back-end then I can be a really good as a front-end developer




