front-end dev
(ES5, ES6, jQuery, JSON - advanced)
& Redux (Advanced)
(Very basic)
BEM, RWD, Mobile first.
Following the example of Atomic Design
Photographer & developer based out of Warsaw
A Polish guy, a professional photographer interested in Asian culture and cuisine.
I've always been interested in programming, that's why I've been creating simple layouts for blogs since
was an elementary school student
Usually those layouts were based on HTML and CSS but I have made websites based on FLASH and
action-script(which I found on the internet) as well.
I've gotten used to the self-improve, that's why in my free time I've been studying different
programming languages.
I got back to study programming after a long break and I really love to do it.
I have been a professional photographer since a long time, but I enjoy it more when I can solve a problem by myself in a code as a programmer. So I can really get a lot of satisfaction when I do something by myself then I can feel the progress I have done. Combining my abilities of photography and programming allows me to get a lot of inspiration and new ideas especially when I create a new website or a new API.
A selection of my range of work
I've created cus I love working with APIs! It wasn't a big challange for me, but I had a lot of fun! I've used react-router, context API, useState, useEffect, useRef etc :)
Technologies:This project I've created for shopping for me and my girlfriend from Japan, that's why I used different currency.
Technologies:This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. And has been created with a GitHub API
Technologies:I've created it for practicing of destructuring objects.
Technologies:I've created this API for people who are confused with Polish names
Used technologies:Contact infomation
I would love to work remotely or work in the office based in Warsaw
My dream is having a work that I can improve and expand my programming abilities and myself in
I would love to learn more about Node.JS, React.JS and even PHP - for me if I can understand more back-end then I can be a really good as a front-end developer